Friends 105 洗衣 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent
Joey偶遇前女友安吉丽娜,发现她改头换面变得很美,想邀她约会被拒,乔伊想拆散前女友安吉丽娜和其现男友鲍伯,决定带上莫妮卡约两人出来。谎称莫妮卡是自己现女友改邀double date,他对莫妮卡隐瞒真相,只说安吉丽娜和鲍伯是兄妹。莫妮卡很中意Bob,但发现他跟安吉丽娜过于亲密,质问Joey后方才坦白。二人成功拆散安吉丽娜和Bob,各带走一个。
Monica: Would you let it go? It's not that big a deal.
Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing, okay? You just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam--a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right?
Rachel: Oh come on! You guys can pee standing up.
Chandler: We can? Okay, I'm tryin' that.
Joey: All right, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me.
Phoebe: Oh, okay, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things and then not even care.
Ross: Multiple orgasms!
Chandler: So... Saturday night, the big night. Date night. Saturday night, Sa-tur-day night!
Joey: No plans, huh?
Chandler: Not a one.
Chandler: No, I know. But it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note...
Monica: Oh, you're breaking up with Tony?
Phoebe: Yeah, I know. He's sweet, but it's just not fun anymore, you know? I don't know if it's me or his hunger strike or... I don't know.
Phoebe: What's the matter? Why so scrunchy?
Rachel: It's my father. He wants to give me a Mercedes convertible.
Ross: That guy, he burns me up.
Rachel: Yeah, well, it's a Mercedes if I move back home. Oh, it was horrible. He called me "young lady".
Chandler: Oh, I hate when my father calls me that.
Monica: Did he give you that whole "you're not up to this" thing again?
Rachel: Oh yeah, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco version, with three choruses of "you'll never make it on your own".
Phoebe: Uh-huh uh-huh.
Ross: So, uh, Rachel? What are you, uh, what're you doing tonight?
Rachel: Oh, big glamour night: Me and Monica at Laundorama.
Ross: Oh, you, uh, you wanna hear a freakish coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too?
Rachel: Who?
Ross: Me. Was that not clear?
Phoebe: This is nice. We never do anything just the two of us.
Chandler: Yeah, it's great. Maybe tomorrow we can rent a car and run over some puppies.
Phoebe: Ew, I don't wanna do that.
Janice: I got you... these.
Chandler: Bullwinkle socks. That's so sweet.
Janice: Well, I knew you had the Rockys and so I figured, you know, you could wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle or you could wear Rocky and Rocky... or you can mix and match--moose and squirrel.
Rachel: That horrible woman just took my machine.
Ross: Was your basket on top?
Rachel: Yeah, but there were no suds.
Ross: So?
Rachel: Well, you know... no suds, no save.
Ross: No suds, no... excuse me. Hold on a second, that's my friend's machine.
Horrible Woman: Hey hey hey, her stuff wasn't in it.
Ross: Hey hey hey, that's not the rule and you know it.
Ross: All right, show's over. Nothing to see here. Okay, let's do laundry.
Rachel: That was amazing. I can't even send back soup.
Ross: Uberweiss!. It's new, it's German, it's extra-tough. Rach, do you, uh, are you gonna separate those?
Rachel: Oh god. Oh, am I being like a total laundry spaz? I mean, am I supposed to use, like, one machine for shirts and another machine for pants?
Rachel: Okay, you caught me. I'm a laundry virgin.
Ross: Uh, well, don't worry, I'll use the gentle cycle.
Rachel: Oh, everything's pink.
Ross: Yeah, uh, except for the red sock, which is still red. I'm sorry, please don't be upset, it could happen to anyone.
Rachel: Except it didn't. It happened to me. Oh god, I'm gonna look like a big marshmallow peep.
Monica: Hello? Were we at the same table? It's like... cocktails in Appalachia.
Joey: Come on. They're close.
Monica: Close? She's got her tongue in his ear.
Joey: Oh, like you've never gotten a little rambunctious with Ross.
Chandler: I hit her in the eye! I hit her in the eye! This is the worst break-up in the history of the world!
Phoebe: Oh my god. How many of those [expressos] have you had?
Chandler: Oh, I don't know, a million?
Phoebe: Chandler... easy, easy. Go to your happy place. La la la lala la la la...
Rachel: Whoa, I'm sorry. Excuse me, we had this cart.
Horrible Woman: Yeah, well I had a 24-inch waist. Ya lose things.
Phoebe: What a neat idea. All your clothes match. I'm gonna do this.
Phoebe: Hey, how'd it go?
Joey: Excellent.
Monica: We ripped that couple apart and kept the pieces for ourselves.
Rachel: Where's Chandler?
Phoebe: Oh, he needed some time to grieve.
Chandler (running by, outside): I'm free! I'm free!
Phoebe: That oughtta do it.